Dermatology International Congress

About the meeting

ADI (Dermatological Ionic Association) and ADMG (Association of Dermatologists of Magna-Greece) affiliates ILDS (International League of Dermatological Societies) are two highly appreciated and very operative Dermatological Associations in Italy that each year produce conferences of great interest and great success. The popularity of the annual ADI and ADMG conference increases year by year and data shows an increasing number of participants up to many and many hundreds of delegates.

The Congress will be of international reach. Featuring a range of leading international speakers, a high standard of diverse scientific content and exhibition, this conference is a great opportunity to learn about and showcase the latest advances in the care, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dermatological diseases.

The most current and important themes of Dermatology will be discussed, Italian Dermatology will be compared with that of the rest of the world, opening the discussion in an atmosphere of interactivity.

Other moments of confrontation, more direct and informal, will be arranged and facilitated on convivial occasions (lunch, welcome dinner and social dinner) and at the exhibition area between dermatologists of different origin, between young and old dermatologists, dermatologists and other specialists, including doctors of every category, and staff of sponsoring companies.

L’Orsa Maggiore, as organizational secretariat, is looking for key partners to participate in the Dermatology International Congress as sponsors and exhibitors. A number of opportunities are available to enable sponsors to raise brand awareness on an international stage and meet with influencers in the field one-to-one.

If you are interested in taking part in the conference as an exhibitor or sponsor please contact:

L’Orsa Maggiore Srl
Tel. +39 (0) 963 43538
Fax: +39 (0) 963 1972061

There are five good reasons why you should attend
“ADI-ADMG Dermatology International Congress”

Raise brand awareness on an international stage

through sponsorship you will promote your company as a supporter in the field of Dermatology

Learn and share

an engaging programme of dynamic presentations, workshops and exhibits will enable you to showcase your work and to learn about dermatological research, care and management of dermatological diseases around the world

Face to Face interaction

through attending and/or exhibiting at the conference, you will gain direct access to a large number of delegates and develop high level, long term contacts with them

Offer your contribution to dermatology

your presence will not only help increase your company's visibility, but it will also help push dermatology at the top of the international health agenda

Influence Change

discover how global decision makers and guidelines are changing dermatology and how your organization can make a difference


Sponsorships will be accepted in accordance with the prevailing EU Directive, Italian Legislation and the Italian Code of Deontology for the Pharmaceutical Industry.

The following opportunities are designed to offer companies on a variety of budgets an opportunity to deliver their message effectively. If you have sponsorship package ideas of your own or wish to discuss the available options please contact us. We are more than happy to discuss items within the packages or a bespoke package.

All of the following options are included in the form Sponsorship Prospectus

A - Network and client relations

1. Welcome dinner - € 8.000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

We are offering you the opportunity to be the exclusive sponsor of a welcome dinner that will be set up on Thursday 09, from 20,30 noon to 22,30 pm
Close to the restaurant will be placed signs with written “dinner in cooperation with…”, and with the company logo; on the tables will be finally positioned chevaliers with company logo.
- Exclusive sponsorship -

2. Lunch buffet (November 9) - € 6.000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

We are offering you the opportunity to be the exclusive sponsor of a lunch buffet that will be set up on Thursday 9, from 13,00 noon to 14,00 pm
On buffet tables will be positioned chevaliers with company logo.
- Exclusive sponsorship -

3. Lunch buffet (November 10) - € 6.000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

We are offering you the opportunity to be the exclusive sponsor of a lunch buffet that will be set up on Friday 10, from 13,30 noon to 15,00 pm
On buffet tables will be positioned chevaliers with company logo.
- Exclusive sponsorship -

4. Social dinner - € 10000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

We are offering you the opportunity to be the exclusive sponsor of the social dinner that will be set up on Friday 10, from 20,30 noon to 23,00 pm.
Close to the restaurant will be placed signs with written “social dinner in cooperation with...” and with the company logo.
The company logo will be written at the top of the menu and distributed on all tables.
- Exclusive sponsorship -

B - Educational Opportunities

1. Inclusion in the program of a Company Symposium (no ecm) - € 10.000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

A company symposium (maximum 60 minutes, no ECM) can be included in the official program of the event for companies that request it.
The deadline for choosing this form of sponsorship is June 30, 2023.
The costs related to the participation of speakers and moderators of the symposium are borne by the sponsoring company.

2. Sponsorship of a lecture or an oral presentation - € 4.000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

You have the opportunity to match your name to the topic that interests you most and to affirm your company's leadership in that field.

3. Sponsorship a whole session - € 6.000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

You have the opportunity to match your name to the topics that interests you most and to affirm your company's leadership in that field.
Holding a session at the ADI-ADMG Dermatology International Congress is one of the most highly visible and memorable sponsorship opportunities available to your organisation, providing a high level of visibility and positioning your organisation as a leading name in the dermatological community.

C - Exhibition opportunities

Exhibition stands

It is a very important opportunity. The benefits to you will be:

  • Face to face interaction to exchange ideas, share information, educate
  • Communicate latest developments
  • Enhance awareness
  • Strengthen existing relationships
  • Increase customer contact and business opportunities
  • Collect attendee data
The dimensions of the stands are expressed in meters.

1. 2 x 2m booth - € 2.500,00

excluding all applicable taxes

Furniture: table, 2 chairs, 2 exhibitor passes

2. 2 x 3m booth - € 3.000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

Furniture: table, 2 chairs, 2 exhibitor passes

3. 2 x 4m booth - € 4.000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

Furniture: table, 3 chairs, 3 exhibitor passes

4. 3 x 4m booth - € 5.000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

Furniture: table, 3 chairs, 3 exhibitor passes

In addition, the following forms of exposure will be possible:

5. Exhibition of a sail or a roll up - € 1.500,00

excluding all applicable taxes

6 Exhibition of an RCP outside the Conference hall - € 1.200,00

excluding all applicable taxes

7. Set of digital frames for business brands - € 3.000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

A set of digital frames, positioned next to the secretariat box, will display, in series, the logos of the companies that will choose this form of sponsorship

D - Branding Opportunities

1. Entering the businnes brand on the final program - € 2.000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

2. Entering the businnes brand on directional plates - € 3.000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

3. Entering the businnes brand on billboards and panels - € 4.000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

4. Entering the business brand on the conference website - € 1.500,00

excluding all applicable taxes

5. Screening of the business brand before and after the work

excluding all applicable taxes

While everyone is sitting waiting for the work to start, your company logo is repeatedly projected.

  • before work 1° day - € 3.000,00
  • before and after the work 1° e 3° days - € 5.000,00

6. Stands Map - € 2.500,00

excluding all applicable taxes

A map, with the number and exact location of each stand, will be distributed to all participants and all speakers. Your company logo can be printed on this map.

E - Sponsoring Opportunities

1. Supply of Symposium bags with business brand - € 6.000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

2. Supply of pens and note pads with businnes brand - € 3.000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

3. Supply of Lanyards with businnes brand - € 4.000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

F - Support to the costs

1. Secretarial support fee - € 4.500,00

excluding all applicable taxes

2. Contribution to printing costs - € 3.500,00

excluding all applicable taxes

3. Contribution of technologies and special effects - € 5.000,00

excluding all applicable taxes

G - Participation fees of the delegates

You have the opportunity to sponsor the participation of one or more delegates by subscribing registration fee and / or accommodation and travel costs.

The benefits to you will be: strengthen existing relationships, increase customer contact and business opportunities, help the Congress to achieve great success.

For information about the costs of this opportunity, please visit the Registration section of this site and the form "Registration Fees"

For Group Registrations, please contact us:

H - Others opportunities

Discuss whith the L’Orsa Maggiore

Please note that L’Orsa Maggiore is more than happy to discuss bespoke options.

Sponsorships for multiple packages are planned at affordable rates; for further information, contact the Organizing Secretariat.

I - Unrestricted grant


According to sponsorship, sponsors are divided into the following categories:


€ 30.000,00 or more

excluding all applicable taxes


€ 25.000,00 or more

excluding all applicable taxes


€ 20.000,00 or more

excluding all applicable taxes


€ 15.000,00 or more

excluding all applicable taxes

For the Major Sponsors (platinum, gold, silver, bronze) there are additional benefits, complimentary participation fees, greater visibility and more


€ 14.999,00 or less

excluding all applicable taxes

Sponsorship Terms and Conditions

1.Introduction. All companies wishing to commercially exploit the event for the promotion of their products are sponsors of ADI-ADMG DERMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS. The sponsorship provides for the payment of an economic contribution by the company concerned against the provision by the provider of advertising or exhibition spaces and other promotional forms indicated in the specially prepared Sponsor Prospectus form.

2. Reservation.To participate as a sponsor, the company concerned must fill out the sponsor prospectus form, indicating the forms of sponsorship chosen, and return it signed by e-mail to L’Orsa Maggiore E-mail:
The assignment is subject to availability.

3. Acceptance. L’Orsa Maggiore is not obliged to accept any order forms of any Applicants. L’Orsa Maggiore accepts order forms only through L’Orsa Maggiore’s written confirmations under the specific terms stated therein in writing. The contract between L’Orsa Maggiore and the Applicant is effective after the Applicant has been silent for ten days following the date of L’Orsa Maggiore’s written confirmation. Exceptional or additional contractual provision bind the parties only if specifically agreed upon in writing.

4. Contract. The sponsorship takes place with the stipulation of a contract between the ECM Provider "L'Orsa Maggiore Srl" and the sponsor, as required by the ECM legislation in force.

5. Payments. The Applicant is the only debtor of all payments and as such the only one responsible for the timely payment to L'Orsa Maggiore of all the agreed amounts. All prices require the addition of 22% VAT. Once the application form has been accepted and the contract has been stipulated, an invoice will be issued with a deadline as established by the contract. Failure to pay the invoice within the established deadline authorizes L'Orsa Maggiore to request legal interest on the total outstanding amount
All payments will only be made in EURO.

6. The absolute transparency of the relations between the parties and the absolute independence of the scientific contents of the ECM event from any influence on the part of the sponsor are reiterated; please note that advertising of any product with posters or projections in the training rooms is prohibited and the inclusion of product data sheets in the congress folder is prohibited. Although not recommended in these regulations, the rules on sponsorships provided for in the agenas regulations in force, which are fully accepted, apply. 7. Stand. The stands can be purchased on the basis of the quotas indicated in the sponsor prospectus form available at the Organizing Secretariat and on the Congress website and must be paid for by 15 October 2022, when the sale closes. During the congress, no company will be allowed to set up the stand if the contract has not been stipulated and the relative payment has been made. 8. Exhibition area floor plan The organization will prepare a floor plan of the exhibition area and each sponsor in compliance with the contract and the relative payment will be allowed to choose the position they want; it is clear that a position already assigned to another sponsor cannot be chosen. The organization will assign the stands following priority criteria in the stipulation of contracts and payments; any discounts on the cost of the stand preclude the exhibiting company from having the option on the position of the stand. 9. Each exhibition space will be sold to a single company with a single invoice. 10. All the stands are not pre-fitted, and the equipment provided is: a table, 2 chairs and an electrical connection. Any requests for additions to the basic equipment for the stands, if available, will be charged extra.
The stands can be set up on the morning of Thursday 9 November until 12.00; they must then be removed on Saturday 11 November after 1.00 pm. 11. Shipping. The material for setting up the stands can be received on site starting from November 2, 2023 and must be addressed to: Hotel Villa Diodoro, Via Bagnoli Croci, 75 - 98039 Taormina (ME), with the writing on the packages DERMATOLOGY CONGRESS 9-11 November 2023, the exact indication of the sender, and must be withdrawn strictly by 18 November 2023. The person responsible for the reception is the person in charge of reception available at n. telephone number: 0942.23312.

12. Cancellation Policy. We cannot accept cancellation of sponsorship once it has been committed. Upon commitment of sponsorship, the sponsor will be liable for the total sponsorship committed.

13. Cancellation / Postponement of the Conference. In the event of it being necessary for whatever reason to postpone or cancel the conference, the organizer will not be liable for any expenditure, damage or loss incurred by the sponsor. In the event of cancellation the sponsor will be refunded any monies paid. If the conference is postponed the contract between the organizer and sponsor will remain in force.

14. Liability. Exhibitors and sponsors are responsible for arranging adequate insurance coverage in relation to their participation in the Congress, in relation to before, during and after. The organizers cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage to persons or property or other types of liability. Exhibitors and sponsors must independently arrange any insurance coverage.
Supervisory systems will be organized for the entire duration of the congress. However, the Organizing Secretariat does not guarantee any insurance coverage for the exhibitors' properties as it is exempt from any liability against damage, tampering or theft. All responsibility for the material on display is borne by the exhibitor. The Congress Venue and the organizing secretariat are in no way responsible for the material left on deposit in the days preceding the congress and in the following days.

15. The exhibiting company must be in good standing with regard to insurance charges on employee work, with regard to safety at work (Law 626/94), with regard to fire regulations.

16. Specific Instructions. Special instructions. The applicant is responsible for his own staff and must undertake to keep the rented exhibition area clean during opening hours. The Applicant also undertakes to employ adequate personnel in the exhibition area, especially in the phases of installation and dismantling of the stands.
It is forbidden to tamper with the systems and furnishings of any kind existing on site. It is forbidden to apply glues, nails, screws, or other potentially harmful material to the walls or floors. Any damage caused must be compensated. The respective minimum and maximum standards for the construction of the Stand are already known and accepted by the Applicant.
Furthermore, the stand construction must always be self-sufficient and cannot be connected to walls, pillars or floors.

Save the date.

9, 10, 11 november 2023 - Taormina, Sicily, Italy

Bristol Myers Squibb